Collect evidence

Sexual violence?
Let save traces.
Now. Do it for you.
You can decide later whether you want to file a complaint.
What is counseling?

Counseling means that a counselor talks to you, cares about what you are telling them, and tries to understand you and help you. The counselor will treat what you have told them as confidential.
Sexual violence

What exactly is sexual violence? People use many different terms to talk about sexual violence, but they all usually mean the same thing.
Family Stress

Some parents refuse to accept that their children get older and do not want to tell them everything any longer, they cannot accept that they should not constantly meddle with their children's lives.
Psychological Stress

Every girl is feeling sad at some time, uneasy, tired, discouraged, confused, angry, sleeping badly, having no appetite or being hungry all the time.
School Stress

School is a place where many things happen. For some it is a pleasant place, others hate it and are haunted by it every single day.

There are many aspects of violence: other people may hurt you badly by what they say or by using physical and sexualized violence.

You live in Germany – and still you are being treated like a foreigner. For you this is your home and you get annoyed when somebody asks you when you are going to return to your „home country“.
Love and Friendship

Head over heels in love? Feel like having 1000 butterflies in your tummy? Shivering all over? You gave away your heart?
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