You live in Germany - and still you are being treated like a foreigner
Be it at school, on the road, when filing applications, or in the media: it is not unusual that you are given the feeling that you are sort of different and that you not part of it.
You live in Germany – and still you are being treated like a foreigner. For you this is your home and you get annoyed when somebody asks you when you are going to return to your „home country“. Or you have to explain time and again why you wear a headscarf and that you wear it of your own accord and that you are not being forced to do so. At school when talking about „integration“, you are supposed to reveal details of your family's life. Be it at school, on the road, when filing applications, or in the media: it is not unusual that you are given the feeling that you are sort of different and that you not part of it. All this can be pretty nerve-racking in the long run.
Racist discriminations are – regrettably – part of everyday life for people with a migration history. Migration history means that your parents or your grand-parents migrated to Germany from another country. Racism has got many faces: you find it in actions, words, conceptions or prejudices – either open or hidden. They all have one thing in common: only because of one feature – be it the colour of your skin, your religion or descent – you are treated in a different way.
People bad-mouth the native country of your parents or insult you because you look different or belong to a different religion? You find it difficult to get an apprenticeship and you think that this is due to your descent? You are insulted just because you wear a headscarf? In situations like these you may feel helpless und you do not know how to handle your anger. One thing is certain: you are not alone with all your experiences. If you need counsel and support in dealing with racist problems you may contact us.
Not all discriminations are based on racism. There are other aspects of discrimination. Perhaps you are discriminated because your parents do not have enough money to buy you the expensive clothes that your classmates wear or because you sit in a wheelchair and thus are not able to accompany your friends to the disco or because you are younger and you have got the feeling that you are not taken seriously. With experiences like these or others which make you feel excluded or discriminated you may contact us.
It is important that you become aware of the fact that you are not left all alone with all your problems. What you have been experiencing has similarly happened to other people. It feels good to look for people with a similar mind who understand you and whom you do not have to explain everything. With their help you can find ways that make you strong in your everyday life und that help you to better handle your problem. When you have the feeling that you do not get an apprenticeship due to your religion, your descent, and so on, you can do something about it.
For more information on the subject 'racism' we recommend the following website:www.schule-ohne-rassismus.org
What can you do?
- Look out for someone whom you can trust in order to talk about everything. Ask for discretion and support.
- In many cities there are anti-discrimination agencies or counseling services who can help you.
- Call one of the emergency phone numbers and talk about your feelings. You will get support straight away on the phone.
- You can write us an email.
boundless and impudent
a poem against the (pretended) German unity
I will still remain African
even though you would like to turn me into a German
and I will still remain German
even though you dislike my blackness
I will take another step forward
right up to the remotest place
where my sisters are
where my brothers stand
where our FREEDOM starts
I will take another step forward
and another step
and return
whenever I want
remaining boundless and impudent
May Ayim 1990
0521 - 17 88 13